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Organic Growth

Kim Kyle Christian ladies speaker

My friend Mitchell and I accidentally started a book club. We picked a book to read together and texted each other with quotes and thoughts we found challenging, meaningful, relevant. We would chat about the book(s) on the elliptical or during down time in the hallway at school. Then we started sharing what we were learning in conversation with others. I even used portions of our selections at staff devotions. The end result is that others have expressed an interest in joining our book club (We didn’t know we had a club.) or at least have asked for the titles of what we are reading.

I love this kind of organic growth. Advertising campaigns and well-rehearsed strategies nicely laid out in books which our club probably won’t read are okay, I guess. But oh the growth that happens from simple human connection, contagious passion, and genuine engagement… I think that’s the Biblical model.

Consider Acts 2: 46-47 with me. “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” I think this is the model Team Uganda will use in Africa in a few weeks’ time. Yes, we have a plan but mostly I just want us to praise God together, share some food with glad and sincere hearts, talk about Jesus because we are passionate about Him and see what the Lord does. I pray He will add to our number daily those who are being saved.

Join me and Team Uganda in praying for such miracles of multiplication.

By the way the book club’s current selection is Rooted: The Hidden Places Where God Develops You by Banning Liebscher. We also recommend Vanishing Grace by Philip Yancey.

(To read updates on our mission trip to Uganda, click the Home page on the toolbar above.)

Kim Kyle Christian ladies speaker
kim kyle christian ladies speaker

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