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If you have not seen the movie, Inside Out - go find a theater, get the DVD or stream it. It is a powerful, whimsical tale about emotions - fighting for control of a girl's life. It may seem strange to you, but the Lord uses kid's movies to minister to me frequently. Maybe that's because I let myself "become as a little child" for those 90 minutes. The scriptures have some things to say about the importance of childlikeness in our experience of the kingdom. Oops, I disgress.

Inside-Out - that's how we apply kingdom principles. Being transformed by the renewing of the an inside-out process that may leave us battling for joy like the little girl in this movie. However, as in the movie, love - the sacrificial love of Jesus, wins the day and brings healing even to our memories! Our minds are renewed as we encounter His love and the truth about who His is and who we are in Him.


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