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David, a man after God's own heart understood abiding. After all, he is the guy who wrote, "Lord, you have been our dwelling place for all generations." Not just a hiding place, but an abiding place. No wonder he wants to be the one to build God a house to live in.

Ah, but God wants David to grab hold of a superior New Testament reality. His promise to David is about more than establishing David's lineage. It is a foreshadowing of this Pauline truth: we ourselves are God's temple. (II Cor. 3:16)

In the words of Pastor/Author Ralph Harris, "Well, here I go, God's sacred mobile home into the day." I love that image - being an RV for Jesus, a place of fellowship and adventure. Even Solomon's temple could not contain all of God's glory, but you and I are privileged to carry that glory with us in to every day.

It's Christ in you , the hope of glory! Remember Christ in you, the confident expectation of glory.

Let's get those RV's on the road.

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